In our country you hear so much Speaking of inculturated liturgy. People who have no sense of the sacred knowledge of the history of the liturgy and who prefer to ignore the great importance of the ancient Roman Rite in the formation of legions of saints that advocate a very close Catholic worship of the Protestant Reformation or the rituals of Candomblé. Pseudo-liturgists (sometimes nuns do not wear robes, and who do not pray, however, do not ever neglect of hair dye and nail, and whose holy founders saw them if they would be turning in tombs) go over the edge to edge Brazil , confusing Catholics and even some simple bishops and priests, in their "workshops" liturgical very dynamic and participatory, in which it offers a bit of everything ... notions of liturgical spaces in the molds Protestants (according to some very famous architects now notorious wreckers of ancient altars), masses with african ritual, notions of theology of the Mass that have nothing to Catholic and that in three days "form" groups "liturgists", prepared for questioning by the Holy Father himself, with arguments like: So and so said that Sister is not to put towels on the altar before the offertory ... or, candlesticks and crucifix on the altar is outdated ... or something: the tabernacle should be hidden in a corner of the church does not conflict with the Eucharist, and other nonsense. With pleasant surprise found on the Internet photographs of a chrism celebrated in the Archdiocese of Libreville, Gabon, and whose own celebrant was the Archbishop Basile Engone MVE. The pontiff was greeted at the door of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, dressed Cover Magna, with holy water and incense, as mandated by the Ceremonial of Bishops. The beauty of the vestments, Gregorian chant, the ritual should serve as a perfect example in Brazil, where much is said in such a mass of african that we can not see in Africa. The pictures say it all ...
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