Site "Fratres in Unum" draws a few lines and objective a very interesting profile Cardinal Marc Ouellet, the new prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, one of the most important of the Roman Curia, which could change the current profile of bishops of the world in some years. Here's the article:
"Cardinal Archbishop Marc Ouellet, appointed as the new prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, is a figure virtually unknown in Brazil. In November 2003, His Eminence gave an interview to the magazine 30 Giorni, which presents a profile of newly created Cardinal "for many years [worked] in Latin America English, and defended, also in German, his graduate thesis in Theology [on the work of Hans Urs von Balthasar]. perfectly Speech Italian, as also taught in Rome, where he had a brief but intense experience in the Curia as number two in dicastery appended to ecumenical dialogue. " Long was a member of the editorial board of the journal Communio, a representative of moderate progressivism attached to the letter of Vatican II, as opposed to the journal Concilium, you want to be allied to its "spirit."
Ordained in 1968 in which he finds "chaotic climate," the cardinal recalled that on the day of ordering one of his "closest relatives told him: you should change your mind because it seems that the Church that lay down your life is falling apart, seems to have no future. And said that seriously, not as a joke. "
Moderation. About
liturgy, His Eminence said that "after Vatican II there was a progressive movement liturgical greatly exaggerated, which made disappear the treasures of tradition, for example, Gregorian chant. Treasures that should be retrieved. But, as stated by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, is due mainly to recover the sacred meaning of the liturgy, namely the perception that the liturgy is not something we make, we can rebuild our tastes second passenger, but something that we receive , we is legacy. Therefore, the objectivity of the liturgical reforms have their importance. I believe the call of Cardinal Ratzinger is very important. I think Vatican II has done a good constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium. But the performance of liturgical reform was not - ever - to match. One would have to go back to the essence of Sacrosanctum Concilium. "
For the Cardinal, after the "Second Vatican Council the Catholic Church entered a decisive and irreversible in the ecumenical movement. And this is a great Pentecostal fact of our time, to be evaluated very positively. But separation lived for a thousand years with orthodoxy and with five hundred communities from the Reformation can not be restored immediately. They need time. "
For the success of the dialogue, Ouellet hopes a change of direction, "the ecumenical orientation is too centralized in the episcopate, in relations between the papacy and collegiality and insufficient on the grounds of faith, and therefore on the role of Mary." Directions
already outlined by Vatican II, which failed to approve the scheme exclusively dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, "a source of serious concern" for the expert council (cf. The Rhine is cast into the Tiber, ed. Permanence, pag. 96), to insert it as a chapter in the schema on the Church. The comments of Father Karl Rahner, the approval of a separate scheme "would cause incalculable evil, with respect to both Eastern and Protestants," because "all the results achieved in the field of ecumenism, and thanks to the Council in regard to the Council, would be reduced to nothing with the approval of the scheme in the way they were. " (Ibid). "
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