http://www.fratresinunum.com/ The site offers us an auspicious news regarding the rehabilitation of a saintly prelate who fought virtually alone against the disruptive forces that emerged after Vatican II and who was responsible, along with the equally admirable Don Antonio de Castro Mayer, the daily maintenance of the traditional celebration of Mass throughout the land: it is of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre , who died in 1991 under the weight of a terrible sentence of excommunication. Here's the news:
31/05/10 - ( Sector Catholic) According to reports the Italian blog Messainlatino, numerous rumors begin to circulate around the future rehabilitation of ecclesial French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (pictured), founder of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), who was excommunicated by Pope John II in 1988, when carrying out the ordination of four bishops without Rome's approval to count. This decree of excommunication was of no effect after recently that Pope Benedict XVI has decided.
Messainlatino points that are several reasons that triggered these rumors. On the one hand, rehabilitation of unofficial theologian Romano Amerio (conducted this year by L'Osservatore Romano) who was known to sustain theses next to Monsignor Lefebvre. Secondly, the imminent publication of a new biography of the French prelate. And, thirdly, the interest shown by this Archbishop and his work, which increases outside the usual circles until now and extend more and more Catholics in various fields, are the factors that are contributing to such gossip.
Anyway, the figure of Archbishop Lefebvre earned and deserves special attention within the Catholic Church, especially as it increases the crisis in which, regrettably, we find ourselves today. Sound, therefore, increasingly prophetic his words and warnings that launched many of his writings, sermons, lectures and teachings which, today, and several years after his death, his sons are still transmitting, and the time of season. Undoubtedly, her figure is not lost and leaves no one indifferent. Time and authority of the Church put things in their place. At least on this earth.
Messainlatino points that are several reasons that triggered these rumors. On the one hand, rehabilitation of unofficial theologian Romano Amerio (conducted this year by L'Osservatore Romano) who was known to sustain theses next to Monsignor Lefebvre. Secondly, the imminent publication of a new biography of the French prelate. And, thirdly, the interest shown by this Archbishop and his work, which increases outside the usual circles until now and extend more and more Catholics in various fields, are the factors that are contributing to such gossip.
Anyway, the figure of Archbishop Lefebvre earned and deserves special attention within the Catholic Church, especially as it increases the crisis in which, regrettably, we find ourselves today. Sound, therefore, increasingly prophetic his words and warnings that launched many of his writings, sermons, lectures and teachings which, today, and several years after his death, his sons are still transmitting, and the time of season. Undoubtedly, her figure is not lost and leaves no one indifferent. Time and authority of the Church put things in their place. At least on this earth.
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