"Our friends" Fratres in Unum bring us an interesting subject, about a calebração in Germany, otherwise in all respects to the thought of Pope Benedict XVI, who as the voice crying in the wilderness warning against rampant secularism that dominates our churches
LAM. At the start of World Cup football, the pastor Ambros Trummer asked people to come to Sunday Mass in character. And all obeyed. The church was filled to the gallery of flags black-red-gold streamers, vuvuzelas, caps, team shirts and footballs. The chorus of
confirmands and their parents sang songs of football as "steh auf, wenn du ...." "We Are the Champions" and other songs from "Green Card". The pastoral assistant Martin Münch practiced "Hello" with the faithful and the ministers could play football on the ship. But all this did not disturb the solemnity of the Mass sung. The sermon was guided to celebrate the wedding at Cana, where Jesus also celebrated. (Source: Mittelbayersiche Zeitung, 13.06.2010 ) "
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