Site "Fratres in Unum addresses an interesting question ... in the celebration of Holy Mass for the Traditional Rite is allowed to give communion in the hand to the faithful who so desired? The answer is given by the Commission itself Ecclesia Dei
"On June 15, a Catholic Munich sent a question to the Pontifical Commission" Ecclesia Dei ", responsible for traditional Catholics.
This question concerns how to give Communion in the Ancient Rite:
"It is permissible to give Communion in the hand, if the believer so requests, in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite?" - told the inquiry.
The Commission replied by letter on June 21.
The letter is signed with lyrics by typewriter "Secretariat of the Pontifical Commission" Ecclesia Dei. "
Here's the text:
"Regarding your letter dated in the last (sic) June 15, the Pontifical Commission wishes to emphasize that the celebration of Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form of Roman Rite states to reception of Communion kneeling, in which the Sacred Host is placed directly on the tongue of the faithful communicant.
this form of Mass is not provided for the distribution of Holy Communion in (sic) hand. "
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