Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Female Genetalia Tattoo

Confirmations in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in Libreville, Africa: an example for Brazil

In our country you hear so much Speaking of inculturated liturgy. People who have no sense of the sacred knowledge of the history of the liturgy and who prefer to ignore the great importance of the ancient Roman Rite in the formation of legions of saints that advocate a very close Catholic worship of the Protestant Reformation or the rituals of Candomblé. Pseudo-liturgists (sometimes nuns do not wear robes, and who do not pray, however, do not ever neglect of hair dye and nail, and whose holy founders saw them if they would be turning in tombs) go over the edge to edge Brazil , confusing Catholics and even some simple bishops and priests, in their "workshops" liturgical very dynamic and participatory, in which it offers a bit of everything ... notions of liturgical spaces in the molds Protestants (according to some very famous architects now notorious wreckers of ancient altars), masses with african ritual, notions of theology of the Mass that have nothing to Catholic and that in three days "form" groups "liturgists", prepared for questioning by the Holy Father himself, with arguments like: So and so said that Sister is not to put towels on the altar before the offertory ... or, candlesticks and crucifix on the altar is outdated ... or something: the tabernacle should be hidden in a corner of the church does not conflict with the Eucharist, and other nonsense. With pleasant surprise found on the Internet photographs of a chrism celebrated in the Archdiocese of Libreville, Gabon, and whose own celebrant was the Archbishop Basile Engone MVE. The pontiff was greeted at the door of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, dressed Cover Magna, with holy water and incense, as mandated by the Ceremonial of Bishops. The beauty of the vestments, Gregorian chant, the ritual should serve as a perfect example in Brazil, where much is said in such a mass of african that we can not see in Africa. The pictures say it all ...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tattooed People Are Boring

pictures of a pontifical Mass on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Site "Una voce Málaga" provides us with beautiful photographs of a pontifical Mass celebrated by Archbishop Francois Gayot, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Church of St. John the Baptist Manhattan, United States. The beauty of the garments used is breathtaking ... According to updated statistics, more than 186 bishops worldwide have already concluded or taken part in traditional rites, after the promulgation of the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum."

Monday, June 28, 2010

Candy Arrangements Wholesale

Four centuries of art in the service of the Liturgy

In excellent site The New Liturgical Movement , we find today the news that a major collection of tools, some over 400 years old, was found in forgotten drawers of a vestry, restored and put back into use in Germany. The beautiful chasubles and other ornaments were made by the nuns of the Abbey of Niedermünster, a historic monastery located in the Diocese of Regensburg.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Allintitle 58 Network Camera Networkcamera

By their fruits ye shall know the tree ... A terrible injustice

"Our friends" Fratres in Unum bring us an interesting subject, about a calebração in Germany, otherwise in all respects to the thought of Pope Benedict XVI, who as the voice crying in the wilderness warning against rampant secularism that dominates our churches
LAM. At the start of World Cup football, the pastor Ambros Trummer asked people to come to Sunday Mass in character. And all obeyed. The church was filled to the gallery of flags black-red-gold streamers, vuvuzelas, caps, team shirts and footballs. The chorus of
confirmands and their parents sang songs of football as "steh auf, wenn du ...." "We Are the Champions" and other songs from "Green Card". The pastoral assistant Martin Münch practiced "Hello" with the faithful and the ministers could play football on the ship. But all this did not disturb the solemnity of the Mass sung. The sermon was guided to celebrate the wedding at Cana, where Jesus also celebrated. (Source: Mittelbayersiche Zeitung, 13.06.2010 ) "

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Prolapsed Anus Puppy Bleeding


devoted followers of The Coral Cronopio:
half the year is complicated. Unfortunately I have to stop, just for one time, climbs. I hope to resume them quickly.
meantime, I recommend you listen to this new online radio:

only transmits voice choral music and for now is on probation, but has every chance of continuing .
I ask you to support this new project with the same enthusiasm to support and follow this humble little blog.
greetings to all, and we'll see you soon!
the coral cronopio

Friday, June 4, 2010

Chuck Norris Footie Pjs


- Foggia May 29, 2010 -
Hall School of Economics and Business

was May 23 of Last year, when in this very place, inaugurating the 25th anniversary of the Community Dominum Magnificat, we have created a cultural conference in which he reflected on the figure of Mary of Nazareth, not as "Mother of the Lord" but as a creature of God in which they are sublimated human and the beauty of the feminine genius. A Congress that the number of full-bodied participants and feedback received went far beyond expectations.
remember with affection the greetings of the prof. Pastor spoke on behalf of the University of Foggia, who with great astonishment he confessed that he had never seen this room and hall so full a participation as concerned, as well as the intervention of the Episcopal Vicar of the Archdiocese of Foggia- Cattle, Archbishop Philip later that, bringing the greetings of the nost Archbishop Francesco Pio Tamburrino, invited us to continue the road taken by offering reflections on Christian themes that they could find the interest not only of the ecclesiastical world, but also the various environments in the world, so to speak, lay.
If today we are here, dear Don Philip, why is not this call been heeded ...
So, if last year we combine beauty and genius of women, this year we decided to stop our reflection on the combination of beauty and art (and between different forms of art speak, above all, singing and music, but not limited to ) course from what it is about Christian thought.
Art is not an end in itself, but art to affirm the "reasons of the spirit" and therefore art in the service of man in his path that brings him closer to God
"The beauty for beauty, like art for ' art, not part of the Christian perspective. " - Said the Holy Father Benedict XVI in a private hearing to Artists in the November 2009 - "True beauty is a path toward the Transcendent, the Mystery at last, towards God, art in all its forms, when compared with the great questions of existence with key issues from which the meaning of life, can take on a religious path and become a deep inner reflection and spirituality. "
Dear friends, today we try to do just this way, short but intense, inner reflection and spirituality and I'm happy - I say in the behalf of the Community - which at this pace on the "path of beauty", we will be accompanied by guests and will certainly provide competent their contribution to the achievement of an objective sense as "challenging."
Along with all of you, therefore, I am pleased to accept and welcome to: Bishop
Antonio Parisi, liturgical music consultant for the Italian Episcopal Conference;
Amerigo Vecchiarelli, Editor in Chief of SAT 2000, which will moderate the Table Round to be attended by the following artists: Michael
Paulicelli, singer, actor, author, inter alia, of the famous musical Forza Venite Gente,
Leann Albrecht and Carl, from Tennessee (USA), musicians and singers of Integrity Music International;
Tony Bungaro, songwriter, and Mario Rosini, singer, both with different interests
at the Sanremo Festival, the Master
Leserri Graziano, director of the group of gospel music Wake Up Gospel Project.
Lastly, I greet with special affection, dear friend and long-standing, Luciana Leone, Musicology and editorial director of Editions Charismatic Renewal.
Today's event, as you've got to take the invitation will not end only with the Congress because, after a technical break of one hour after completion of the work, namely the 20.30 to our guests, along with other artists (actors, mimes, dancers) will perform in a magnificent performance that will be a varied exhibition of artistic talent on this stage today. I strongly believe that the performance this evening will have the power to raise up among us and many others will be added, a genuine spiritual experience that can approach the beauty, the one with the "B", that is, to Christ, the "Good" Shepherd. Experience the beauty, to experience God! Here the objective of today's event.
So, how often they say on television before a commercial break, I say: "Stay with us and do not regret it."
The French philosopher Simone Weil [1909-1943] was able to write: "In everything that awakens within us the pure and authentic feeling of beauty, there is really God's presence There is a kind of incarnation of God in the world, and the beauty is the sign. The nice thing is the experimental proof that the incarnation is possible. "
So here today the opportunity to experience through this dual event of the conference and cultural art event," really the presence of God ", for once not in a church or in front of a sacred symbol, but through an epiphany of her beauty, trying to catch her "breath" of life in a musical note, a poem, a text, a mime, but in only a glance or a smile.
And speaking of "breath", allow me to grant me a short and beautiful text of the Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke entitled THE BREATH OF GOD:
not waiting for God to descend upon you / and you say "I".
did not make any sense that God who says / her omnipotence.
Feel you breath in, so he has filled you / from you breathe and six. When you do not know why
t'avvampa the heart / He who is in you is expressed.
May each of you today can experience a new wonder and, at the end of this event, meet with the heart "flushed" from His presence.
Thank you all, and on behalf of the entire Community Dominum Magnificat, welcome.

Corrado Di Gennaro
Moderator General

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What Causes My Kidneys To Hurt

finally repaired ... The Size sensitive The site offers us an auspicious news regarding the rehabilitation of a saintly prelate who fought virtually alone against the disruptive forces that emerged after Vatican II and who was responsible, along with the equally admirable Don Antonio de Castro Mayer, the daily maintenance of the traditional celebration of Mass throughout the land: it is of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre , who died in 1991 under the weight of a terrible sentence of excommunication. Here's the news:


31/05/10 - ( Sector Catholic) According to reports the Italian blog Messainlatino, numerous rumors begin to circulate around the future rehabilitation of ecclesial French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (pictured), founder of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), who was excommunicated by Pope John II in 1988, when carrying out the ordination of four bishops without Rome's approval to count. This decree of excommunication was of no effect after recently that Pope Benedict XVI has decided.
Messainlatino points that are several reasons that triggered these rumors. On the one hand, rehabilitation of unofficial theologian Romano Amerio (conducted this year by L'Osservatore Romano) who was known to sustain theses next to Monsignor Lefebvre. Secondly, the imminent publication of a new biography of the French prelate. And, thirdly, the interest shown by this Archbishop and his work, which increases outside the usual circles until now and extend more and more Catholics in various fields, are the factors that are contributing to such gossip.
Anyway, the figure of Archbishop Lefebvre earned and deserves special attention within the Catholic Church, especially as it increases the crisis in which, regrettably, we find ourselves today. Sound, therefore, increasingly prophetic his words and warnings that launched many of his writings, sermons, lectures and teachings which, today, and several years after his death, his sons are still transmitting, and the time of season. Undoubtedly, her figure is not lost and leaves no one indifferent. Time and authority of the Church put things in their place. At least on this earth.