To the distinguished readers of our blog, we want a Holy and Happy Easter. We propose to everyone, in these stormy days it passes our Holy Catholic Church, when the enemies of the faith attempt to destroy the boulder, destroying the successor of Peter, offering prayers and sacrifices for the intentions of the Holy Father, especially by praying the rosary daily, that God will sustain and protect the Pope in a special way. We know that behind it are also modernist and destructive forces from within the Church, much to the chagrin Papa had to face a strong faith and determined to put things in place. Let us trust in the Lord's words: "Tu es Petrus et super hanc Ecclesiam Petram aedificabo Meam !
Let our words of Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Dean of the College of Cardinals, spoke before the start of the Easter mass in St Peter's Square, in a blissful break in the protocol:
"The liturgy of the Church invites us to a holy joy. Even if rain falls in this historic square, the sun shines in our hearts. We join you, Your Holiness, unfailing rock of Holy Church of Christ. The Holiness are deeply grateful for his fortitude and apostolic courage. We admire his great love and how, with a father's heart, make their joys and hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men, now mostly the poor and suffering.
Today, through me, all the Church wants you to augur good Easter. The Church is with you, Holy Father, the cardinals, the employees of the Roman Curia, the brother bishops around the world.
Particularly these days with His Holiness are the 400,000 priests serving the people of God in parishes, chapels, schools, hospitals, military and in many other environments, as well as missions in the remotest parts of the world.
With Your Holiness is the whole People of God who is not impressed by gossip of the moment and by the evidence that occasionally reach the community of believers.
Jesus had said: "In the world you have tribulation, but take courage: I have overcome the world!"
Holy Father, we seek to keep their words on this Solemnity of Easter and pray for His Holiness to the Lord continue to sustain him in his mission to serve the Church and the world itself!
Happy Easter, Holy Father! The Church is with you, sweet Christ on earth! "
Today, through me, all the Church wants you to augur good Easter. The Church is with you, Holy Father, the cardinals, the employees of the Roman Curia, the brother bishops around the world.
Particularly these days with His Holiness are the 400,000 priests serving the people of God in parishes, chapels, schools, hospitals, military and in many other environments, as well as missions in the remotest parts of the world.
With Your Holiness is the whole People of God who is not impressed by gossip of the moment and by the evidence that occasionally reach the community of believers.
Jesus had said: "In the world you have tribulation, but take courage: I have overcome the world!"
Holy Father, we seek to keep their words on this Solemnity of Easter and pray for His Holiness to the Lord continue to sustain him in his mission to serve the Church and the world itself!
Happy Easter, Holy Father! The Church is with you, sweet Christ on earth! "
Translation of the pronouncements of Cardinal Sodano: Fratres in Unum
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