The site Montfort, the esteemed Professor Orlando Fedeli, whom I greatly admire the courage and wisdom, I find a text written by Mr. Joao Augusto Rodrigues, originally published in the newspaper "O Liberal, Belém-PA and that addresses the very relevant attacks made by the media in recent day the Catholic Church and our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI:
pedophiles, who? John Augustus
Rdrigues, The Liberal Journal - Bethlehem
The press has played in recent days, around the world, news reported by major newspapers in the United States and Europe involving some Catholic priests and repugnant crime of pedophilia. Moreover, most news is impregnated with a ferocity and blind moves forward with malevolent insinuations and accusations against the infamous Roman Catholic Church and Pope Benedict XVI.
journalism, practiced often so mild, lazy, reckless, not looking for sensationalism seeks to deepen the analysis of the problem. Cases from ten, twenty or thirty years are rescued with strong colors of scandal as if they were recent occurrences. Complaints are made public lightly against the Pope to try to incriminate him, as if he were responsible for such acts shameful or guilty to offering the support of the Catholic Church.
Paedophilia is a crime disgraceful and unacceptable under any circumstances. It is an inexcusable conduct, who depart from or occur where and when it occurs. But what do the many stories published in recent days, when dealing with the crimes brought to light recently in Europe do not confuse and vilify Pope Benedict XVI? Those who followed the news came with the painful impression - a Catholic - that the church acted to excuse and justify such acts.
A more serious and responsible journalism, by contrast, would welcome the attitude of the Holy Father did not hesitate to write a letter full of courage and dignity to the Irish clergy, condemning
abusers in the country, begging forgiveness from victims and hoping justice to fulfill its role. The courageous decision of the Supreme Pontiff or from afar has been accompanied by most journalists and critics, unable to separate the anti-Catholic hysteria of the criminal truth.
To illustrate this reasoning follows an interesting finding, especially as restricted to country of Cardinal Ratzinger. In Germany there was evidence that since 1995, 210 000 reports of abuse by minors. Of these 210 000, 300 involved in some way Catholic priests. Ie less than 0.2%. This means that, because they are few, these cases should be minimized? Far from it. I've said and I repeat: it is a single case of pedophilia is always shameful and unforgivable.
The problem is you're looking for from isolated cases to swell a campaign of discredit and infamy against the Catholic Church and its dignitaries, thus deepening the widespread anti-Catholicism Western already is becoming one of the unexplained phenomena of our time.
United States, where statistics are more credible because it appears that the presence of pedophiles, is two to ten times higher among Protestant pastors than among Catholic priests. Anyway, much larger than the involvement of religious leaders (Catholic or Protestant) is, for example, the gym teachers and coaches of youth sports teams, many of them married.
Likewise, periodic reports from the U.S. government indicate that about two thirds of child abuse do not come from strangers or educators, be they priests or pastors, but from family members - stepfathers, uncles, cousins, brothers and sadly, even parents, many of them also married. These data come
overturn the opinion of some anti-Catholics who try to attribute the cause of the celibacy issue. A more serious and responsible attitude recommend further study to discover the origins and you create in society the mechanisms that would prevent it. Exactly the opposite of what has been done, trying to cover the shame of the Catholic Church, whose doctrine embraces the best values \u200b\u200bof our civilization.
To cite this text:
Rdrigues, John Augustus - The Liberal Journal - Bethlehem - Pedophiles who? " MONTFORT Association Culturalhttp: / / Online, 08/04/2010 at 23:38 pm
Rdrigues, The Liberal Journal - Bethlehem
The press has played in recent days, around the world, news reported by major newspapers in the United States and Europe involving some Catholic priests and repugnant crime of pedophilia. Moreover, most news is impregnated with a ferocity and blind moves forward with malevolent insinuations and accusations against the infamous Roman Catholic Church and Pope Benedict XVI.
journalism, practiced often so mild, lazy, reckless, not looking for sensationalism seeks to deepen the analysis of the problem. Cases from ten, twenty or thirty years are rescued with strong colors of scandal as if they were recent occurrences. Complaints are made public lightly against the Pope to try to incriminate him, as if he were responsible for such acts shameful or guilty to offering the support of the Catholic Church.
Paedophilia is a crime disgraceful and unacceptable under any circumstances. It is an inexcusable conduct, who depart from or occur where and when it occurs. But what do the many stories published in recent days, when dealing with the crimes brought to light recently in Europe do not confuse and vilify Pope Benedict XVI? Those who followed the news came with the painful impression - a Catholic - that the church acted to excuse and justify such acts.
A more serious and responsible journalism, by contrast, would welcome the attitude of the Holy Father did not hesitate to write a letter full of courage and dignity to the Irish clergy, condemning
abusers in the country, begging forgiveness from victims and hoping justice to fulfill its role. The courageous decision of the Supreme Pontiff or from afar has been accompanied by most journalists and critics, unable to separate the anti-Catholic hysteria of the criminal truth.
To illustrate this reasoning follows an interesting finding, especially as restricted to country of Cardinal Ratzinger. In Germany there was evidence that since 1995, 210 000 reports of abuse by minors. Of these 210 000, 300 involved in some way Catholic priests. Ie less than 0.2%. This means that, because they are few, these cases should be minimized? Far from it. I've said and I repeat: it is a single case of pedophilia is always shameful and unforgivable.
The problem is you're looking for from isolated cases to swell a campaign of discredit and infamy against the Catholic Church and its dignitaries, thus deepening the widespread anti-Catholicism Western already is becoming one of the unexplained phenomena of our time.
United States, where statistics are more credible because it appears that the presence of pedophiles, is two to ten times higher among Protestant pastors than among Catholic priests. Anyway, much larger than the involvement of religious leaders (Catholic or Protestant) is, for example, the gym teachers and coaches of youth sports teams, many of them married.
Likewise, periodic reports from the U.S. government indicate that about two thirds of child abuse do not come from strangers or educators, be they priests or pastors, but from family members - stepfathers, uncles, cousins, brothers and sadly, even parents, many of them also married. These data come
overturn the opinion of some anti-Catholics who try to attribute the cause of the celibacy issue. A more serious and responsible attitude recommend further study to discover the origins and you create in society the mechanisms that would prevent it. Exactly the opposite of what has been done, trying to cover the shame of the Catholic Church, whose doctrine embraces the best values \u200b\u200bof our civilization.
To cite this text:
Rdrigues, John Augustus - The Liberal Journal - Bethlehem - Pedophiles who? " MONTFORT Association Culturalhttp: / / Online, 08/04/2010 at 23:38 pm
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