A beautiful phenomenon that is observed in the new generation of seminarians and priest is the growing interest in the tradition of the Church and of religious practices that were used during centuries, with success, let us say in passing, by our Holy Catholic Apostolic and Roman. The new generation of priests, already born after the unhappy post-conciliar years, is more serious, piety, love for the Church that a significant portion of geranção immediately prior to which the taste for novelty is what counted, love of study was almost none in the life of prayer almost nonexistent and the greatest pleasure was to demolish the holy shrines have become and the House of God in warehouses of factories. Many young people are generous knocking on the doors of seminaries, especially those in which the formation of the Levite is viewed with great seriousness and rigor, as the Mother Church did during 500 years since the Council of Trent. Unfortunately, it is said that some seminaries in the media lords bishops have done a very important meeting to discuss the serious misconduct - seminarians who wanted to use the cassock ! Indeed, it is terrifying ... At a time when secularism destroyer has been repeatedly condemned by Pope Benedict XVI, in a report that has been done by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life, after a visitation held religious houses of the United States, concluding that the congregations that were the most secularized that lost more vocations in which all the dioceses of France, together, in 2009, received 98 seminarians, while the seminars S. PIOX traditional fraternity and the Institute of the Good Shepherd, surpassed by new students all the dioceses of country, they cause scandal to the faithful some priests who insist on bringing a little life befitting the sanctity of the priesthood, frequenting bars, nightclubs and parties, dressed in expensive clothes from famous brands, driving imported cars, sculpting their bodies at the expense of a lot of gymnastics and fitness and feeling glad to display them, often on stage and with the blessings of hierarchy, with a behavior totally different from the examples of the many generations of Catholic priests saints of the past, including St. John Vianney, priest model proposed by the Pope for years of priesthood. Well, even given all these circumstances, some lords bishops are concerned with the seminarians who want to use the simple livery of servants of the Lord, whose black color reminds them that should but without being in the world belong to him; black cassock that silently says to those who use it: courage! not be discouraged! heaven is worth the sacrifice! Meanwhile, in our temples chaos installed after the council is showing no signs of cooling ... the sacred liturgy, public worship that the Church has taxed its Divine Spouse, the benefit of its people is used for the most terrible experiences and innovations. .. the Holy Eucharist is desecrated daily, through the carelessness of many of distributing it without faith, love and zeal, and very many of those who receive, without any spiritual preparation. The most sacred mysteries of our faith before of which the angels prostrate in the sky, are reduced to a simple human party, a gathering of friends with a lot of hysteria, palms and secular music in ways infinitely worse ... the Protestants, whose cult was the inspiration of mentors liturgical reform, led by Archbishop-Mason Anibal Bugnini. Well, none of this seems to offend those who should be the guardians and promoters of the faith ... but using a seminarian a simple cassock cause an uproar! How sad ... We pray that the Holy Father Benedict XVI to live many more years to fix so much that is wrong. Let us ask St. John Vianney and St. Pio of Pietrelcina that from heaven, to guard the vocation and perseverance of our seminarians, to remain faithful despite the difficulties, and one day, can climb the steps of the altar and spoke the words of the Mass of all time: Introibo ad altare Dei ... Amen!
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