Monteverdi: Madrigali
The Consort of Musicke
Anthony Rooley
Disc: 2
1. Not levav'ancor dawn news: No news levav'ancor dawn
2. Not you levav'ancor dawn news: He says one o'clock sospirand'all'hora
3. Drank my Phyllis
4. Sweet links
5. Not hyacinths or norcisi
6. Around two crimson lips and vague
7. Banks are not in this
8. All mouths beautiful
9. Women, in my return
10. I Quell'ombr'esser
11. S'andass'amor hunting
12. While I was keenly sought
13. If thou weary, wicked
14. Here are the waves murmuring
15. The mouth so the words asprissime
16. Sweetly sleep my Chloris
17. Cruel, because I flee?
18. I give this mirror
19. Is to me grave'l die
20. You sponte l'ali, love
21. Cantai tempo
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