Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gun Invitations For Sweet 16

An excellent response to the accusers of the Catholic Church

The excellent site "Fratres in Unum , 'reading daily essential for all who want to stay well informed on the issues highlighted involving the Catholic Church in the world, brings a response from Father Renato Leite to the article "St. Pedophilia," Helium Schwartzman, the Folha de Sao Paulo:

"Reading your article on pedophilia in the ranks of the Catholic Church wondered why a Jew, who stands out as anticlerical, which takes the array of Masonic thought as a means of analyzing reality and acknowledging publicly that the Church ranks as grave sin of pedophilia, proved so critical to analyze the problem when this happens in the Catholic Church and so forgiving when it occurs among members of the synagogue? And to sustain
pretentiously on "facts" and avoid those that are closest to liability in similar cases, said that without base:
"The form of organization of the Catholic Church, however, seems to favor the occurrence of abuses that, at least apparently does not happen on the same scale in colleges and seminaries Protestants, Muslims or Jews.
Whence the idea that the abuses do not occur "apparently on the same scale" including similar institutions in Jewish? The incidence of pedophilia among the members of the synagogue can be even more "rugged" what happens when the Catholic Church. Really?
is what got to see The New York Times in a report clarifying language that gives us a sample size of the problem between the Jews and the practice of Jewish religious authorities in addressing the issue and says that, among other things: "No longer is more taboo to prosecute for child abuse in New York, Ultra Orthodox Jews "according to the article by Paul Vitello. They suffered no
cases of pedophilia, but that changed with the Attorney General Charles J. Hynes. Eight people have already been arrested and 18 are awaiting trial. There
religious prohibition against him outside the group, including under threat of death. As was the rabbi's approval is required, but it never gave permission, and the religious courts (the synagogue) where the accused were acquitted, the families decided to turn to common justice. Forty smaller
agreed to testify in court. Some blogs, like FailedMessiah and The Unortodox Jew, have encouraged victims.
Religious leaders are beginning to accept the situation, and Hynes has been holding meetings with ultraconservative groups to encourage victims to come forward. There are 180,000 Jews in New York ultraconservative. To
David Zwiebel, of Agudath Israel of America: "There consensus in recent years that many of these cases can not be resolved within the community. " But he thinks he should find alternatives to prison, not to take a family that provides her with the bread, and find good families who will have their children removed from their families.
In 2000, Rabbi Baruch Lanner, the charismatic leader of the main yeshiva and youth for over 20 years has been accused of abuse was the subject of a revealing article in The Jewish Week that resulted in a penalty of seven years in prison.
There are radio programs that encourage victims to make accusations, like Dov Hikind, the radio station WMCA. Hundreds of young made objections.
The father of a boy of six years he was abused by Rabbi Kolko was to seek permission from a Jerusalem rabbi of high prestige to go to the police.
The answer was: "Go, because you're not committing any sin."
The full article can be found at the link below: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/14/nyregion/14abuse.html ? pagewanted = 1 & in
I ask you: should be credited cases of pedophile rabbis form of organization of the synagogue? How to rationally evaluate a growing problem among Jewish religious authorities if they are not celibate and, instead, forced marriage and child bearing differently from members of the Catholic clergy?
would also cover up criminal cases between Jews and rabbis from the synagogue should be respected or alleged "autonomy" of Judaism, not forced to denounce the civil authorities and also consider legitimate the use of threat of death to avoid scandals like practiced by the religious authorities of Hasidin in New York?
The problem is all and in some cases, as demonstrated by the article "New York Times, even more serious than when it occurs in Catholic circles, with the right cover-up and threats, however, accusing fingers like yours, only point to the Catholic Church.
As shown, his analysis of the matter is simplistic and biased and, in fact, your article has no other intention but to enforce his opinion, be said in passing, and anticlerical facts, the facts themselves . It is your article
disqualified as a valuation benchmark that the problem of pedophilia, as you acknowledged, is actually the problem of homosexual relations with minors and in the case of Judaism, there appears to be lower, the opposite is as great or greater, proportionally speaking as to what happens in the Catholic Church also involving hundreds of young people.
You can not conclude anything from the analysis of the facts, unless the existence of an opportunistic smear campaign against the Catholic Church that has the media professionals, with low levels of intellectual honesty, as is the case, their most effective tools. "

Father Renato Leite, São Paulo

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How To Cure Deer Sausage

The traditional custom of covering the crosses and images in churches during Holy Week

is possible today to rescue, even in the ordinary way the Roman liturgy, the ancient custom of covering the crosses and images of churches? This is certainly a question that many people linked to the liturgy and parish priests eager to do these days before Holy Week. On the site http://www.portal.ecclesia.pt/ find a very straightforward answer, provided by the National Secretariat for Liturgy of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference:

Liturgical Issues

Q: I receive an orientation , as the custom of covering the images of the churches in time of Lent. When we cover: At the beginning of Lent, or only at the beginning of Holy Week, ie, on Palm Sunday? And when you discover: Before concluding the washing of feet, on Thursday Santa, or the end of the celebration of the Adoration of the Cross on Good Friday?

Answer: Before the liturgical reforms of Vatican II was required to cover, with purple veils, crosses and all images displayed to the church service. In the Roman Missal of S. Pius V, after the Mass on Saturday preceding the Sunday of the Passion (now Fifth Sunday of Lent), had this caption: "First Vespers, cover up their crosses and pictures which are in the church. The crosses remain covered until the end of the worship of the Cross on Good Friday, and Images to the Hymn of the Angels (Glory to God in Heaven) on Holy Saturday. " We see that a custom was linked to two last weeks of Lent, through which it wanted to focus the attention of the faithful in the mystery of the Lord's Passion. All that could divert it, as were the images of saints, is covered. It was this custom? Certainly the beginnings of the second millennium or the end of the primeiro.E who say the current liturgical norms? A heading inserted in the Roman Missal of Paul VI, after Mass Saturday prior to the Fifth Sunday of Lent, says: "The custom of covering the crosses and images of the churches may be kept, as the opinion of the Episcopal Conference. The crosses remain covered until the end of the celebration of the Lord's Passion, Friday - Good Friday; images, until the beginning of the Easter Vigil (Roman Missal current [edition of the altar], p. 206.A large difference between the two lines of Missals (Trent and Vatican II) is as follows: the first cover and Crosses images was required (to cover the second ..."); ceased to be ("can save the custom cover ...). As our consultant can check for yourself by referring to the Roman Missal are you left several hypotheses: a) the images can cover or not cover, b) if the cover keeps the covers from the Saturday afternoon before the Fifth Sunday of Lent until the beginning of the Easter Vigil (not to before the washing of feet in the Mass of the Lord's Supper, nor until Friday). The line is clear: "... the images remain covered until the beginning of the Easter Vigil. " I hope I answered with clarity to your employee perguntas.Um SNL

blogger's note: In our parish, even celebrating the ordinary rite, has rescued many elements of the traditional liturgy of Holy Week, such as the custom of covering the images, the use of rattles in place of bells from the Gloria of the Mass "In Cena Domini" and umbel in the procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the altar of replacement, all within the hermeneutic of continuity advocated by Pope Benedict XVI.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ancient Shark Megalodon


Johannes Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem

Brigitte Engerer, Boris Berezovsky,

Choeur de Chambre Accentus Laurence

descargar ACÁ

Monday, March 8, 2010

Short Long Term Effects Syphilis


Finally good news for all who love the Sacred Liturgy! And His Excellency Most Reverend Diocesan Bishop of Garanhuns, Dom Fernando Guimarães as a gesture of great courage, will be holding a meeting in his diocese, between 17 and 19 June, for the priests to study the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" . The interesting schedule includes celebration of Holy Mass sung in extraordinary rite, by the diocesan bishop, in place of the meeting, St. Joseph Seminary the next day Dom Fernando Rifan, the Apostolic Administration of St. John Vianney celebrates Pontifical on the Cathedral, with the assistance of Don Fernando Guimarães (pity that the beautiful modernist demolished the altar of the Cathedral of Garanhuns, where often celebrated martyr bishop Dom Lopes Expedite) . The excellent blog "Save the liturgy " brings us all details of this pioneering event:


Dear brother priests, Laudetur Jesus Christus!

We are pleased to invite you to attend a meeting on the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" and its consequences in the field of liturgy, liturgical law and spirituality as we celebrate three years of its publication by HH the Pope Benedict xvi. meeting is sponsored by Bishop Fernando José Monteiro Guimarães, C.SS.R., Diocesan Bishop of Garanhuns, who worked many years with the Card. Castrillon Hoyos in Rome and was recently appointed to the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signatura and has the support of the Apostolic Administration of St. John Mary Vianney.Realizar will be on 17, 18 and 19 June this years in the town of Garanhuns, a mountain town near Recife climate very ameno.Aos who wish to participate we ask the prior written permission of their ordinary (the bishop for diocesan priests or religious superior responsible for the religious) to be sent to :

Bishop Fernando José Monteiro Guimarães, C.SS.R.Av. Santo Antônio, 40 55293-000 CentroCEP Garanhuns - PEFone: 0 XX 87 3761 2765 E-mail: bispogaranhuns@yahoo.com

In this regard Dom Fernando Guimarães, C.SS. R. send an invitation to the meeting program to all the bishops in whose dioceses of Brazil celebrates Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Rite or where there are priests interessados.Aguardando confirming their participation at this time of study, reflection, prayer and fellowship which will also be a free for all the Church rely on your prayers and your community and we welcome heartily.

The Preparatory Committee


St. Joseph Seminary Av Rui Barbosa, 200 - Garanhuns - PE-55296 300Fone: 0 XX 87 3761 3747

Note: Later send more information on how to get from Recife to Garanhuns.


Day June 17

19:30 Holy Mass celebrated the opening of the meeting by S. Exc Rev.ma Dom Fernando Guimarães, C.SS.R. in the Chapel of Saint Joseph Seminary

Day June 18

7:30 Lauds

8:00 Coffee

8:30 Introductory Lecture: "The Motu Proprio" Summorum Pontificum, "a great gift for spiritual growth and liturgical of the whole Church "Speaker: Don Fernando Guimarães, C.SS.R., Diocesan Bishop of Garanhuns and Member of the Supreme Court of the Signatura Apostólica10h Range

10:30 Conference:" Considerations on the theological aspects of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, the thought of Benedict XVI and liturgical hermeneutic of continuity. "Speaker: Don Fernando Rifan, Apostolic Administrator of the Apostolic Administration of St. John Mary

12:30 pm Lunch

14:00 Conference:" The History of the Roman Rite in its classic form "Speaker: Fr Claudiomar Silva Souza, Liturgist - St. John Apostolic Administration Maria15: 30h interval

15:45 pm Rehearsal for the betterment of the liturgical celebration of Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite - Fr Claudiomar Silva Souza, Liturgist - Administration Mary St John Apostolic

17:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration, Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed

19:30 Pontifical Mass celebrated by S. Exc Rev.ma Dom Fernando Rifan Assisted Pontifical S. Exc Rev.ma Dom Fernando Guimarães, C.SS.R. at the Diocesan Cathedral St. Anthony of

Day June 19

7:30 Lauds

8:00 Coffee

8:30. Conference: "The Motu Proprio" Summorum Pontificum "and its practical consequences for the Law of Liturgical Latin Rite." Speakers: Don Fernando Guimarães, C.SS.R. and Father Jose Edilson Lima, Canonist - St. John Apostolic Administration Maria10: 00 Range

10:15 am Time of meeting between the participants

11:00 am Mass to close the meeting the Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Schoensttat

Friday, March 5, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Mouse Urine Smell

A sad news: some bishops were organizing to expressly prohibit the use of the cassock for his seminarians

A beautiful phenomenon that is observed in the new generation of seminarians and priest is the growing interest in the tradition of the Church and of religious practices that were used during centuries, with success, let us say in passing, by our Holy Catholic Apostolic and Roman. The new generation of priests, already born after the unhappy post-conciliar years, is more serious, piety, love for the Church that a significant portion of geranção immediately prior to which the taste for novelty is what counted, love of study was almost none in the life of prayer almost nonexistent and the greatest pleasure was to demolish the holy shrines have become and the House of God in warehouses of factories. Many young people are generous knocking on the doors of seminaries, especially those in which the formation of the Levite is viewed with great seriousness and rigor, as the Mother Church did during 500 years since the Council of Trent. Unfortunately, it is said that some seminaries in the media lords bishops have done a very important meeting to discuss the serious misconduct - seminarians who wanted to use the cassock ! Indeed, it is terrifying ... At a time when secularism destroyer has been repeatedly condemned by Pope Benedict XVI, in a report that has been done by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life, after a visitation held religious houses of the United States, concluding that the congregations that were the most secularized that lost more vocations in which all the dioceses of France, together, in 2009, received 98 seminarians, while the seminars S. PIOX traditional fraternity and the Institute of the Good Shepherd, surpassed by new students all the dioceses of country, they cause scandal to the faithful some priests who insist on bringing a little life befitting the sanctity of the priesthood, frequenting bars, nightclubs and parties, dressed in expensive clothes from famous brands, driving imported cars, sculpting their bodies at the expense of a lot of gymnastics and fitness and feeling glad to display them, often on stage and with the blessings of hierarchy, with a behavior totally different from the examples of the many generations of Catholic priests saints of the past, including St. John Vianney, priest model proposed by the Pope for years of priesthood. Well, even given all these circumstances, some lords bishops are concerned with the seminarians who want to use the simple livery of servants of the Lord, whose black color reminds them that should but without being in the world belong to him; black cassock that silently says to those who use it: courage! not be discouraged! heaven is worth the sacrifice! Meanwhile, in our temples chaos installed after the council is showing no signs of cooling ... the sacred liturgy, public worship that the Church has taxed its Divine Spouse, the benefit of its people is used for the most terrible experiences and innovations. .. the Holy Eucharist is desecrated daily, through the carelessness of many of distributing it without faith, love and zeal, and very many of those who receive, without any spiritual preparation. The most sacred mysteries of our faith before of which the angels prostrate in the sky, are reduced to a simple human party, a gathering of friends with a lot of hysteria, palms and secular music in ways infinitely worse ... the Protestants, whose cult was the inspiration of mentors liturgical reform, led by Archbishop-Mason Anibal Bugnini. Well, none of this seems to offend those who should be the guardians and promoters of the faith ... but using a seminarian a simple cassock cause an uproar! How sad ... We pray that the Holy Father Benedict XVI to live many more years to fix so much that is wrong. Let us ask St. John Vianney and St. Pio of Pietrelcina that from heaven, to guard the vocation and perseverance of our seminarians, to remain faithful despite the difficulties, and one day, can climb the steps of the altar and spoke the words of the Mass of all time: Introibo ad altare Dei ... Amen!